Genomics and zoonosis

From swine flu to Ebola, genome sequencing technology is enabling us to better understand cross-species infections

Epigenetics – the real key to everything?

It isn't all in the code. Gene alterations play a part in disease, but gene expression may ultimately prove equally - if not more - important 

Almost a miracle: gene-edited cells that can cure cancer

Since Layla Richards was cured of acute lymphoblastic leukaemia, attention has turned to the possibilities of genome engineering 

The dark side of the genome – does it matter?

Scientists believe that just 2% of our DNA is responsible for encoding proteins. But what of the rest - can it really just be ‘junk’?

Genomic damage and repair: prize-winners and pioneers

Since Albert Kelner shone a light on the process of DNA repair in 1948, scientists have been working to harness the power of correction