Back to the future of ophthalmology: 5 predictions

We take a look back at a bold paper published in 1999, 'Ophthalmology in the post-genomic era' to see how accurate its authors' predictions really were

Genomic sequencing in childhood cancer

As the NHS prepares to roll out genomic testing for all children with cancer, we look at the power of genomics in selecting and trialling new targeted therapies

Genomics, MRSA and the single-letter switch

A change to a single base of an individual’s DNA has been linked to an increased ability to successfully clear an MRSA infection

Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Survival rates for breast cancer are better than ever, but what can a focus on genomics bring to the table?

The microbiome and childhood health

The bacteria in the gut is seen more and more as an important factor in health. We look at the latest on how, and why, it matters

Obesity: is it in our genes?

A complex and serious issue, obesity is the result of a combination of factors; but at least some our destiny lies in our genomes

Genomics and listeria

A look at the application of genomic sequencing in the management, and potential prevention, of an infectious outbreak

Long-read sequencing: the next next generation?

The ability to accurately sequence large sections of DNA is important in some areas of healthcare, and is enabling progress in others

Genomics and HIV: can we be cured?

New genomic discoveries provide hope that lifelong antiretroviral therapy may one day be a thing of the past

Newborn screening: time to expand the list?

Genetic Alliance UK’s newborn screening patient charter sets out why the UK should extend its programme - and establish a pilot for genome sequencing at birth

Assessing younger patients' understanding of genomics

HEE genomics research fellow Celine Lewis talks about a new measure to assess young people’s understanding of genomics

Dementia, lifestyle and the genome

A new study provides evidence that when it comes to dementia, it isn’t all in the genes...