Rapid exome sequencing: a look inside the lab

Clinical scientist Dr Julia Baptista explains what – and who – is involved when the NHS sequences the DNA from all an individual’s 20,000 protein-coding genes

Gene duo hints at future cure for heart disease

A new study has identified an interaction between two genes that could cause cells in the heart to replicate, opening the door to the first possible curative treatment for heart disease

Analysing the epigenome: a new way to screen for cancer

Could the DNA in our bloodstream provide a way to detect cancer? Recent research looks at a novel approach to screening through a new type of blood test

Coronavirus and the human genome

A new nationwide study will sequence and analyse NHS patients’ genomes as part of the fight against the Covid-19 outbreak

Sepsis and the genome

Recent studies on sepsis show that genomics could hold the key to faster diagnosis and treatment, as well as understanding why it occurs

Non-coding RNA: another piece in the atherosclerosis puzzle

Why do some conditions affect us more as we age? A recent study looked at one in particular, atherosclerosis, and found that non-coding RNA may hold the answers