Looking back: Genomics in 2023

We take a look through our blog at some of the notable articles of 2023, including a quick look at what happened since then

Your attitude towards genomics: Which classic Christmas character are you?

We frame some perspectives on genomic testing through the lens of popular Christmas icons. A guest written long read by genetic counsellor Dr Jonathan Roberts

A newcomer's takeaways from the Genomics Healthcare Summit

E-learning designer Jakob Whitfield offers two personal takeaways from NHS England’s 2023 summit on genomics in healthcare
A strand of stylised blue DNA on a plain background with a magnifying glass focusing on a section of the DNA strand

Casgevy – how it works

In this week’s article, we revisit Casgevy and explore its utility and application in healthcare
An illustration of a multicoloured DNA strand running vertically down the centre of the image with two hands on either side of it. The hands are wearing blue surgical gloves. One hand is holding tweezers that are gripping the DNA strand and the other hand is holding a scalpel which has sliced the DNA strand.

Casgevy – the first CRISPR therapy

The UK has approved a new type of gene therapy for the blood disorders sickle cell disease and beta-thalassaemia, a world-first using CRISPR technology