Blog articles

Colibactin and colorectal cancer

A newly published study could mark a major milestone in understanding the microbiome and the role in can play in disease development

We all have 'the breast cancer gene'

You’ve seen the headlines and heard people talk about having ‘the gene for’ x, y or z – but do you know the facts behind the headlines?

Whole genome sequencing drives progress in cancer

A new study into metastatic cancers highlights the significant potential for WGS in deepening understanding of the disease and improving treatment options

Genomic sequencing in childhood cancer

As the NHS prepares to roll out genomic testing for all children with cancer, we look at the power of genomics in selecting and trialling new targeted therapies

Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Survival rates for breast cancer are better than ever, but what can a focus on genomics bring to the table?

Four types of genomic testing explained

In the age of genomics, it can be difficult to understand the ins and outs of different types of testing; here we break down four of the most common 

News articles

New journal article and films highlight progress in genomics

The power and pitfalls of applying genomics in clinical genetics today are explored in a newly published piece in Clinical Medicine journal


Festival of Genomics Logo

Festival of Genomics 2021

The Festival of Genomics London is the UK’s largest genomics event where people from all corners of the genomics industry meet to learn and share expertise.
Houston Conference Centre

American Society of Human Genetics Annual Meeting 2019

The 69th annual meeting of the ASHG will feature presentations by the world’s leading geneticists, along with a range of workshops and sessions.