Blog articles

Genomics and acute myeloid leukaemia

Aggressive and complex, AML often proves a challenge for clinicians, but genomic analysis is helping in the search for targeted treatments

Unlocking the secrets of the genome

It was once believed that 99% of our genome was made up of ‘junk’ DNA with no purpose. Recent discoveries suggest this is far from the truth

Love bugs? Here’s five key facts about the microbiome

The DNA in your body doesn’t just come from you, thanks to the many millions of bacteria, virus and other cells that reside in you and on you

Building on the legacy of the 100,000 Genomes Project

As the pioneering project recruits its last participants, we look forward to the NHS’s plans for a Genomic Medicine Service for all

News articles

GEP fellow contributes to The Network of Cancer Genes

The latest publication of the network includes the work of Dimitra Repana, funded by the programme to undertake research at The Crick Institute  

New e-learning: Tumour Assessment in the Genomic Era

Learn a systematic method of estimating a tumour sample’s cellularity and neoplastic content, and test yourself in a digital pathology environment

RCGP publishes genomics podcasts and webinars

The Royal College’s series raises awareness of the increased use of genomic information in healthcare and the issues facing primary care professionals

Have your say on the personalisation of cancer care

NHS England with other partners, have organised a series of events to gather opinion and raise support for the implementation of genomics 

Genomics Quiz: the results!

Last Friday we ran our 'Genomics Quiz'. Find out the answers…