Blog articles
Six benefits to helping your patient access genetic counselling
For #GCAwarenessDay 2024, NHS genetic counsellor Lily Barnett makes the case for why healthcare colleagues should make use of that profession’s expertise
Rethinking insurance and genomic testing: the evidence
The DHSC's recent call for evidence received 57 responses from organisations and individuals, who voiced concerns and offered suggestions for future amendments
Implementing genomics across the UK
We explore a new paper that sets out the UK’s genomics healthcare plan for the next three years
News articles
Join our new solid tumour course evaluation team
Be one of the first to complete and review our new online course for clinicians unfamiliar with requesting genomic testing
Master’s in Genomic Medicine: 2022/23 funding opens
The funding application process is now live for Master’s-level CPPD modules and qualifications in genomics at partner universities
Improving access: Equality, diversity and inclusion in genomics
Hear from leading voices in healthcare and community engagement on the subject of EDI within genomics
Genomics & Inherited Epilepsy Study Day Event
The NHS North Thames and South East Genomic Medicine Service Alliance are hosting a free Genomics & Inherited Epilepsy Study Day event.
Greater Manchester Cancer Academy: Genomics Education Event
A event understanding genomics and the work being done to embed testing into oncology pathways.
Personalised Medicine for Paediatricians: The Essentials
A one day virtual course covering the essentials of personalised medicine in paediatrics.
Royal College of General Practitioners Annual Conference 2023
The Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) annual conference 2023 is an essential event for GPs and their teams.
Royal College of Midwives Annual Conference 2022
The 2022 RCM annual conference is a UK-wide annual event for all midwives and professionals with an interest in maternity services.
Royal College of General Practitioners Annual Conference 2022
The RCGP annual conference is the leading annual event for GPs, practice teams and other primary care professionals.