Blog articles

Four types of genomic testing explained

In the age of genomics, it can be difficult to understand the ins and outs of different types of testing; here we break down four of the most common 

Let’s talk about (biological) sex

Sex as a biological variable has not always been factored in to medical research and practice. Will that change in the era of precision medicine?

Genomics, the land, and the promise of new drugs

Despite its proven value, scientists and researchers are yet to harness the full medical potential of the soil. Is genomics the key?
DNA pills

What is pharmacogenomics?

… and how can clinicians take advantage of advances in genomics to better predict how their patient will respond to medication?

Cancer immunotherapy: predicting outcomes

Today's monoclonal antibody treatments benefit some patients but can be harmful to others; the search for reliable predictive biomarkers is on

Molecular memories: is genomics key to a dementia cure?

Dementia is a major healthcare issue in ageing western societies. What do we know about the biological basis of memory that could combat this?

News articles

New genomics initiatives coming to primary care

New initiatives launching next month will focus on improving…

Free event for pathologists and scientists in the NHS

This exciting one-day workshop will feature presentations from the chief scientific officer and leading experts from numerous clinical specialties

Genomics research and innovation fellowships awarded

Nine successful applicants ready to begin their academic research projects under the HEE GEP research and innovation fellowship scheme


Festival of Genomics 2020

The Festival of Genomics London is the UK’s largest genomics event where people from all corners of the genomics industry meet to learn and share expertise.