Blog articles

Probability, chance and genetic inheritance

When it comes to genetic inheritance from parent to offspring, there isn’t a guaranteed outcome. But there are ways to assess the possible outcomes

Let’s talk about (biological) sex

Sex as a biological variable has not always been factored in to medical research and practice. Will that change in the era of precision medicine?

Do our genes govern our fate?

A ‘faulty’ gene can result in different outcomes for different people – penetrance and expressivity influence the impact of our genetic code

Unlocking the secrets of the genome

It was once believed that 99% of our genome was made up of ‘junk’ DNA with no purpose. Recent discoveries suggest this is far from the truth

Polygenic risk scores: how useful are they?

Being able to predict an individual’s risk of common conditions is regarded by many as the holy grail. So, where are we now?

Building on the legacy of the 100,000 Genomes Project

As the pioneering project recruits its last participants, we look forward to the NHS’s plans for a Genomic Medicine Service for all

First RNA-based therapy approved in US and Europe

Gene-silencing technique works without altering the person’s DNA, and prevents harmful proteins from being made in their cells  

News articles

Book review: My DNA Diary: Cystic Fibrosis

Author Lisa Mullan introduces complex genetics terminology in a fun and entertaining way for older children and adults alike

Free interactive training course for nurses

Develop your skills in genetic counselling at this funded one-day primer hosted by the University of Cambridge