Blog articles

Gene therapy hope for sickle cell anaemia patients

A teenager with severe sickle cell anaemia has been successfully treated with a pioneering gene therapy approach
A cartoon showing a pair of hands doing 'surgery' on a molecule of DNA,

How genome editing could enter mainstream medicine

Forget designer babies and novelty pets. The potential for genome editing to improve the health of the general population is already emerging

Genomics and the 'Angelina Jolie effect'

In recent years, celebrities have raised the profile of genetic testing - but is all publicity good publicity?

‘Omic’ insights into Parkinson’s disease

Recent research reveals potential dawn of personalised medicine for neurological disorders might be more than just 'gut feeling'

Nurses at the front line of personalised medicine

NHS North West staff lead the charge in adopting genomic technologies in healthcare with pioneering use of new gene test 

The challenge of variant classification

Exploring the complex issue of interpretation - can updated standards and guidelines help achieve increased clarity and consistency? 

Testing toddlers for inherited heart disease

Blood test at birth could reveal genetic high cholesterol levels, potentially preventing heart problems developing in the future

The first ‘three-parent baby’ – of many?

Birth of baby boy with DNA from three parents puts ethical debate on mitochondrial transfer technique back in the spotlight

Personalised medicine in the NHS: what will it mean?

Moving away from trial and error treatments to patient care tailored to your unique genetic makeup  

Gene editing meets gene therapy

Despite continued ethical debate, latest advances in gene editing technologies are poised to transform patient treatment

News articles

People sat in a conference room

Transforming healthcare: impact of genomics on the NHS

Our event gathered together representatives from across HEE and the NHS to discuss the challenges of educating the workforce in genomic medicine

Nursing in the 21st century: demystifying rare disease

Learn how genomics is improving diagnosis of rare diseases, and the role nurses can play in the patient journey in our @WeNurses chat on 28th February