Blog articles

Key genomic technologies of 2020: fighting Covid-19

In the first of two articles reflecting on this year, we look at how genomics became central to tackling an unprecedented global pandemic
genes and mental illness

Keeping genes in mind: genomics and mental illness

UCL Genetics Institute honorary professor and psychiatrist David Curtis explains the challenge of understanding mental illnesses like schizophrenia, and how recent advances in genomics could have a real impact on clinical practice

Covid-19: what’s in the genes?

We take a look at the latest developments in our understanding of the role of the human genome when it comes to disease severity
DNA being transcribed to mRNA by the RNA polymerase, and several enzymes within the nucleus of a cell

RNA-based therapies: two types explained

What are RNA therapies and how are they used? We compare the two licensed types – antisense and RNA interference – to find out more

Genome UK: making the genomic dream a reality

The government has set out its vision for how the UK will harness the power and potential of genomics for the benefit of patients. Here are the top highlights

Mitochondrial disease: the genomics challenge

Mitochondrial diseases are overwhelmingly genetic in origin, so why are gene therapies so difficult to develop? We take a deep dive to find out more.

The impact of Covid-19 on rare disease communities

Guest author Dr Christine Patch explains the challenges in supporting patients with rare disease during the pandemic, as well as the opportunities that may arise

Colibactin and colorectal cancer

A newly published study could mark a major milestone in understanding the microbiome and the role in can play in disease development

News articles

A person surrounded by question marks drawn around them and a light bulb drawn above their head

Genomics 101: Discover the role of genomics in healthcare

Curious about genomics but not sure where to start? Try our collection of free, short introductory online courses
Images from popular culture

Twitterchat: What role does popular culture play in healthcare?

During this chat we would like to explore some of the common themes, myths and misconceptions perpetuated by popular culture around genetics and genomics 

New introductory Genomics 101 courses launched

Learn about the fundamentals of genomics and its impact on healthcare in our collection of introductory courses

Master’s in Genomic Medicine: 2020/21 funding opens

The funding application process is now live for Master’s-level CPPD modules and qualifications in genomics at partner universities