Blog articles

3D render of a chain of molecule

Reading DNA - where to start?

This week, we learn all about directionality in DNA and why it matters

News articles

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A new framework for developing the workforce

A new unified approach to identify workforce development needs, aligned to patient pathways across the NHS Genomic Medicine Service, is being piloted
Groups of nurses and midwives during the working day

Genomics in Routine Care webinars now available on demand

Hear from health leaders in three webinars exploring genomics in nursing, midwifery and health visiting, now available to view online
Kate Tatton-Brown

GEP welcomes new clinical director

Professor Kate Tatton-Brown takes leading role in HEE’s genomics programme
ATCG Code on a blue screen

Delve into whole genome sequencing

Join us this October for a deep dive into this revolutionary genomic test and learn how it is being used to benefit patients
Woman and newborn baby

Explore genomics in midwifery

Discover how genomics is being used in midwifery practice through this new and exciting educational resource

The biggest #GenomicsConversation yet!

A record number of nurses, midwives and health visitors engaged with the programme during the recent week of action
Groups of health professionals doing their jobs

From niche to necessity: genomics in routine care

The GEP will launch a new webinar series to support nurses, midwives and health visitors to learn more about genomics and how it can help in practice.

Master’s in Genomic Medicine: 2021/22 funding opens

The funding application process is now live for Master’s-level CPPD modules and qualifications in genomics at partner universities


Royal College of Midwives Annual Conference 2021

The 2021 RCM annual conference is a UK-wide annual event for all midwives and professionals with an interest in maternity services.