Blog articles

Book review: My DNA Diary: Sickle Cell Anaemia

In her latest book Lisa Mullan explains the genetic basis of sickle cell disease in an entertaining way for older children and adults

News articles

Health Professionals making comments about genomics

A week to champion genomics in healthcare

This June, the GEP's popular annual week of action returns to address key themes for nurses, midwives and health visitors
A person surrounded by question marks drawn around them and a light bulb drawn above their head

Genomics 101: Discover the role of genomics in healthcare

Curious about genomics but not sure where to start? Try our collection of free, short introductory online courses
GATC letters repeated on a blue background

Learn how whole genome sequencing is transforming healthcare

Join us as we explore how this revolutionary genomic test is used to benefit patients, including in the current fight against Covid-19

New conditions factsheets

These handy factsheets are perfect for clinicians as an introduction to or a refresher on a range of genetic conditions

New introductory Genomics 101 courses launched

Learn about the fundamentals of genomics and its impact on healthcare in our collection of introductory courses

Master’s in Genomic Medicine: 2020/21 funding opens

The funding application process is now live for Master’s-level CPPD modules and qualifications in genomics at partner universities
woman looking at a model of DNA

Genomes, whole genome sequencing and the genomics team

Three new introductory films explore why we want to know about genomes, how whole genome sequencing is used in key areas, and who makes up the genomics team

New factsheet series for educators

These handy one-page factsheets can be used as part of a range of educational activity


Royal College of Midwives Annual Conference 2020

The 2020 RCM annual conference is a UK-wide annual event for all midwives and professionals with an interest in maternity services.
Manchester Skyline

Masterclass - Nursing, Midwifery and Genomics: The Present and the Future

Aimed at directors of nursing, heads of midwifery and senior nurse leaders, this event is part of a wider collaborative programme of work to embed genomics into clinical practice across the NHS.

Royal College of Midwives Annual Conference 2019

The 2019 RCM annual conference is a UK-wide annual event for all midwives and professionals with an interest in maternity services.