Blog articles

Day in the life: consultant in clinical genetics
In this third piece in our series looking at genomics careers, Dr Andrew Douglas describes a profession at the cutting edge of healthcare

Genomics in 2018: 3 key predictions
We asked three wise men and women to tell us what they think 2018 will bring for genomics in healthcare

The challenge of variant classification
Exploring the complex issue of interpretation - can updated standards and guidelines help achieve increased clarity and consistency?

The need for diversity in genomic data
Genomic research calls for broader genetic representation to ensure future healthcare could be truly personalised

Various types of variant: what is genomic variation?
The diversity of differences in our genomes and their complex relationship with health and disease

The perils of clinical interpretation of genomic variants
A recent US legal case puts genetic testing and laboratory best practice under scrutiny

Clinical interpretation: when is a variant a mutation?
Genome sequencing produces volumes of valuable data, but what are the challenges of interpretation that gives practitioners the answers they need?

Finding needles in haystacks: making sense of genomic data
Sequencing the genome is just the start; interpreting the sequence is the next big challenge

Unexpected genomic findings: who wants to know?
A ground-breaking survey on health professionals, researchers and the public's attitudes towards genomics raises some important questions