Nursing student

“Good insight to basic genomic information. Good as a taster.…

Head of nursing practice

“An excellent resource and a great addition to the RCN’s…

Lisa Bayliss-Pratt

“This is a really engaging and interactive way for nurses and…

Biomedical scientist

"Interesting and pitched at the right level, with the right amount…

Prescribing pharmacist 

“I will now include a more thorough family history when assessing…

Clinical geneticist

“It's simple and understandable at the same time.”

Theatre support worker

“Easy to follow videos, nice pace and correct amount of co…

Specialty registrar

“Very straightforward, informative and useful for clinical…

Student nurse

“Very easy to follow and understand.”

Biomedical scientist

“A very good summary of sample collection, preparation and…

Consultant cellular pathologist

"Presented with helpful graphics and short videos.”

Genetic technologist

“Very concise and informative module. Easily relatable to current…