Nursing competency frameworks in cancer genomics

These competency frameworks describe suggested knowledge, skills and attitudes required by specialist nurses delivering genomic testing within mainstream cancer pathways and the associated learning to meet these.

The Genomics Game (quiz) download page

This free quiz-styled teaching resource is a fun way for educators…

Genomics and AHPs awareness survey report

Findings from the GEP's 2022 survey of AHPs on their awareness of genomics in healthcare

Genomics Game: print and play

View and download the latest version of the Genomics Game print and play document

Nursing and Midwifery Round Table April 2021

This report details the outcomes from the fifth nursing and midwifery round table, where experts and leaders in nursing and midwifery heard about progress made in the implementation of genomics into nursing and midwifery education, training and practice.

#GenomicsConversation Social Media Toolkit 2021

In support of our #GenomicsConversation week of action campaign coming in June, the GEP have created a Social media toolkit document.

Genomics awareness survey report

Findings from the GEP's 2020 survey of nurses, midwives and health visitors, on their awareness of genomics in healthcare

Nursing and Midwifery Round Table January 2020

This report details the outcomes from the fourth nursing and midwifery round table, where experts and leaders in nursing and midwifery heard about progress made in the implementation of genomics into nursing and midwifery education, training and practice.