Visual communication aids now live on GeNotes

A set of 10 aids created for use by clinicians in consultations with patients are now available to view and download

This Rare Disease Day, the Genomics Education Programme (GEP) has launched a collection of visual communication aids (VCAs) on its flagship GeNotes resource. The VCAs, which cover a variety of topics including inheritance and chromosome translocations, aim to help clinicians explain complex genomics concepts to patients more easily and effectively.

Supporting genomics conversations

Developed by a genomic counsellor with a special interest in visual communication in collaboration with NHS clinical experts and the PAGE group, the series has been designed for use alongside discussions in the clinic, either face-to-face or via video consultation.

The aids can be shown on-screen or printed out to help illustrate particularly tricky concepts in a way that engages the patient and encourages shared decision-making and informed consent.

To find out more, view the full collection of VCAs on GeNotes.

Future development: have your say

In addition to the 10 aids currently available, which cover four different types of inheritance and two types of chromosome translocations, the GEP is planning to grow the VCA series in line with what clinicians will find most useful and gaps in resource currently available. If you would like to suggest a topic for consideration, or if you would like to provide feedback about any existing VCAs, please fill out this short form.