Genomics in the battle against Zika virus

How genomics is proving to be a vital resource in the ongoing fight against this globally infectious disease

Getting a genetic handle on multiple sclerosis

The genetics behind MS are poorly understood, but a new discovery by Canadian researchers could shed light on the disease

The omics revolution

Genomics is changing medicine, providing insight into diagnosis of cancer and rare disease - but what could other 'omics' sciences reveal?

Progress for paediatric gene therapy

Gene therapy for children now approved in Europe - what can this fusion of genomics and stem cell medicine mean for the future?  

The perils of clinical interpretation of genomic variants

A recent US legal case puts genetic testing and laboratory best practice under scrutiny 

Genomes without borders

As Scotland joins the 100,000 Genomes Project, we explore the…

Tuberculosis: new approaches to an old disease

Recent developments show how genetic insight can help to combat the 'forgotten plague' that continues to kill

The ‘beginning of the end’ for cancer chemotherapy?

As the first patients join Genomics England’s cancer programme, what does the future look like for treatment and prevention?

Genome sequencing - past, present and future

How has sequencing evolved? And will whole genome sequencing replace other technologies as clinicians’ go-to diagnostic test?

Answers for 100,000 Genomes Project participants

The first genomic diagnoses for rare disease as part of the pioneering project highlight the importance of personalised medicine

Human gene editing: where do we draw the line?

Advancements in our ability to alter the human genome have sparked fresh debate over ‘designer babies’ and health ethics

More than skin deep: genomics and dermatology

Improved understanding of the genetic basis of skin conditions is enabling better treatment for patients