Crowd of people of different ethnicities, genders, backgrounds

New data diversity initiative launches

This week, we look at a transformative programme that aims to rapidly make genomic datasets more representative
Colourful silhouettes of people cut out of paper and arranged into a group

Screening the healthy for monogenic variants

As the NHS moves towards a preventative healthcare strategy, will genomic screening for healthy people become more common?

NHS targets better diabetes care with genomic testing

New initiative aims to find thousands of people with a rare, inherited form of diabetes

Newborn screening: time for a genomic approach?

This week, we explore how genomics could help expand the newborn screening programme to test for many more genetic conditions

PCR: more than just a Covid test

An old friend has been thrust into the limelight. We take a look at how PCR works and its place in Covid testing and beyond
DNA helix with a piece separated from it in front of a light source

Trial underway for hATTR therapy

The novel ‘one off’ treatment could change the lives of those living with the condition

Developmental disorder variants found in non-coding genome

This week, we explore new findings that link variants in the non-coding region of the genome to developmental disorders
Medication on a pharmacy shelf

NHS to launch Innovative Medicines Fund

We look at an initiative that could change the lives of people with rare diseases by giving them access to cutting-edge treatments
Old pictures in a pile. No recognisable faces or text.

DTC testing: time to step in?

As DTC testing becomes more accessible and popular than ever, we ask whether more regulatory work could – and should – be done 
Young girl looking apprehensive while speaking to health visitor

Start the conversation: genomics in health visiting

As part of this year's #GenomicsConversation week, we talk to Sally Shillaker about the vital role genomics plays in health visiting practice

Genomics in practice: ‘Midwives should explore opportunities’

In our third Q&A for the #GenomicsConversation, we talk to midwife Charlotte Rose about why she was inspired to build her career in genomics

Genomics in practice: ‘We are generation genome!’

In the second of our #GenomicsConversation Q&As, gynaecology cancer nurse Tracie Miles reveals how her patients inspired her to get into genomics