Updates on key developments in genomics

Genomic damage and repair: prize-winners and pioneers

Since Albert Kelner shone a light on the process of DNA repair in 1948, scientists have been working to harness the power of correction

Huntington disease and the potential of gene silencing

Will genomic therapy be the key to treating one of the UK's most devastating degenerative diseases?

The genomics of growing old: why do we age differently?

Studies of the genome and epigenetics are revealing influences that can extend or accelerate lifespan
what is precision medicine

Precision medicine: what is it and how will it be achieved?

Sir Bruce Keogh recently confirmed the NHS’s commitment to moving away from a one-size-fits-all approach to healthcare towards a future of precision medicine. But how do we get there?

Genomics and the 'healthy smoker'

While smoking is undoubtedly associated with disease, there are smokers who escape. Are they just lucky?

Personalised medicine will be at the heart of the future NHS

The future of the NHS will be a personalised medicine service with genomics at its core, according to a new strategy adopted by NHS England

Cardiac genomics: putting research into practice

Scientists working for Genomics England’s cardiac GeCIP domain are tasked with translating data into improved diagnosis of heart conditions 

Circulating cell free DNA in pregnancy and cancer

Improved understanding of plasma DNA is opening up new possibilities for non-invasive testing and diagnosis

The modern face of genomic medicine

Genomics England’s new PanelApp is set to encourage shared knowledge and accelerate progress in whole genome sequencing analysis

Data: the heart of personalised medicine

With genomics high on the agenda, international initiatives bring together healthcare and technology to better understand complex information

Progress for personalised cancer therapies

Thanks to a wave of research projects, genomics is beginning to unravel the complexities of cancer and guide treatment for patients

Immortality, regenerative medicine, and the origin of death

Over the past century, huge advances have been made in bioengineering. But what can genomics bring to the table?
Diabetes and obesity

It's complicated: genomics, obesity and diabetes

Obesity and related conditions are a primary concern for the NHS, and genomic discoveries are changing attitudes to prevention and treatment

The growing importance of genomics for rare disease

Genomic technologies are paving the way for new diagnoses, treatments and therapy for patients with rare and ultra-rare disease

The role of genomics in assisted reproduction

As medical understanding of genetic variation increases, genomic technologies are providing hope for assisted reproduction

Microbiome matters

The human microbiome is a hot health topic. But what is this 'microbiome'? And how can it affect our health?

Clinical interpretation: when is a variant a mutation?

Genome sequencing produces volumes of valuable data, but what are the challenges of interpretation that gives practitioners the answers they need?

Using genomics to fight infectious diseases

As genomics becomes increasingly relevant in clinical practice, it could help tackle outbreaks of diseases such as tuberculosis and measles

Psychiatric genomics - a double-edged sword?

While genomics alone may not generate a diagnosis or wide-scale treatment, it may help us better understand psychiatric disorders

Genomics and the trouble with 'N of 1' trials

Randomised controlled trials are a rigorous way to identify cause and effect, but when it comes to rare genomic variants, connections can be hard to detect

Finding needles in haystacks: making sense of genomic data

Sequencing the genome is just the start; interpreting the sequence is the next big challenge