Blog articles
Harnessing the benefits of genomic data
Data sharing review puts focus on challenges surrounding use of patient information for healthcare research
The perils of clinical interpretation of genomic variants
A recent US legal case puts genetic testing and laboratory best practice under scrutiny
News articles
Genomics at the Health and Care Innovation Expo 2016
The Expo Personalised Medicine Zone will play a major role in showcasing how Genomics is transforming how the NHS delivers care
National training consent day
Join us in September to learn the skills and knowledge required to recruit and consent patients to the 100,000 Genomes Project
Haematology patient first participant in genomics project
First patient from West of England Genomic Medicine Centre recruited to 100,000 Genomes Project
French plans for a genomic healthcare future
As France sets out genomic ambitions, we compare the 100,000 Genomes Project and explore potential for future commercial collaboration
GEP announces new course launching in September
Whole Genome Sequencing: Decoding the Language of Life and Health will explore behind the scenes of emerging healthcare technology
Primary Care 2016: promoting genomics in healthcare
The GEP team spent two days at the Primary Care and Public Health Exhibition, increasing awareness of genomics and the work of the programme
GEP launches new film series for GMC laboratory staff
‘Sample Processing and DNA Extraction’ outlines the correct protocol for processing patient samples for the 100,000 Genomes Project
Genomics Education Programme on the international stage
Members of the GEP team attended conferences in Australia and Japan, taking the programme to a global audience
Yorkshire & Humber GMC recruits first cancer patient
The new NHS Genomic Medicine Centre recruits first participant for world leading genomics project
Genomics Education Programme featured in UKTI report
Report highlights the world-leading impact of UK Genomics and the importance of genomic education