Blog articles

Genomes without borders

As Scotland joins the 100,000 Genomes Project, we explore the…

The ‘beginning of the end’ for cancer chemotherapy?

As the first patients join Genomics England’s cancer programme, what does the future look like for treatment and prevention?

News articles

The Future of Genomic Medicine – talk and event

Find out about the future of genomic medicine and what your genes can say about your health

Exeter to provide the Master's in Genomic Medicine

Exeter will join nine other providers in the UK securing the institution’s position as a leader in the field

Socialising the Genome

A new collaborative project designed to get us talking about genomics is looking for your feedback  

Genomics Master’s series: be part of a medical revolution

Brad Horn, one of our funded Master’s students, tells us why…

100,000 Genomes Project takes centre stage at Healthcare Science Week

The national event, as part of British Science Week, offers a unique opportunity to go ‘behind the scenes’ of many labs and scientific facilities

Applications for Master's and CPPD funding now open for 2016/17 start

Genomics study programme aimed at all NHS healthcare professionals in England

Introducing genomics into healthcare – free video resources

The GEP's educational videos are supporting the incorporation of genomics into mainstream medicine   

Call for members to join Genomics England participant panel

Participants who have taken part in the 100,000 Genomes Project have been invited to join a new national participant panel 

Genomics Master’s series: a paradigm shift in healthcare

Satishkumar Krishnan, one of our funded students on the Master’s…

Frontline Festival London brings genomics to the fore

Last week saw a great buzz created in London with the arrival of the Festival of Genomics and several exciting announcements about the 100,000 Genomes Project