Blog articles

Eight things a genetic counsellor may already be doing in your clinic
For today’s #GCAwarenessDay2023, NHS genetic counsellor Lily Barnett explains what you may see from this increasingly important and specialised profession
News articles

In-demand genomics course returns for another year
Healthcare professionals taught to think genomics via funded places on this popular introductory genomics course

Inside GTAC, the Genomics Training Academy
The new online educational hub will support the specialist genomics workforce across the UK

The #GenomicsConversation 2024 is coming!
Join us this June as we chart how genomics is becoming part of routine NHS care and meet the people who are making it happen

Genomics for allied health professionals: Survey results
Your responses to our survey will inform the development of genomics education for allied health professionals across England

The #GenomicsConversation 2023 is coming
Is genomics hidden for you? Join us in June as we uncover the many ways genomics is shaping patient care

Genomics for allied health professionals: Have your say
Allied health professionals are invited to share their views of genomics and its impact on their roles in a new awareness survey

Explore genomics in health visiting
Health visitors can start or continue their genomics learning…

Master’s in Genomic Medicine: 2022/23 funding opens
The funding application process is now live for Master’s-level CPPD modules and qualifications in genomics at partner universities

The Festival Of Genomics & Biodata 2024
The annual Festival of Genomics and Biodata returns to London on Wednesday 24 and Thursday 25 January 2024.

Heathcare Science Week Webinar
Healthcare science week, 13-19 March 2023, is an annual week of celebration and awareness-raising for the many careers in healthcare science

Festival of Genomics 2023
The Festival of Genomics London is the UK’s largest genomics event where people from all corners of the genomics industry meet to learn and share expertise.