Blog articles

How the UK is cracking the coronavirus code
In the second part of our Covid-19 special, we look at the genomic science and technology behind a new UK consortium to improve understanding of the virus

New initiative harnesses genomics in coronavirus fight
In the first of a two-part article, we look at how the NHS is teaming up with academia, researchers and public health agencies to combat Covid-19 with genomics

We all have 'the breast cancer gene'
You’ve seen the headlines and heard people talk about having ‘the gene for’ x, y or z – but do you know the facts behind the headlines?

Whole genome sequencing drives progress in cancer
A new study into metastatic cancers highlights the significant potential for WGS in deepening understanding of the disease and improving treatment options

Back to the future of ophthalmology: 5 predictions
We take a look back at a bold paper published in 1999, 'Ophthalmology in the post-genomic era' to see how accurate its authors' predictions really were

The microbiome and childhood health
The bacteria in the gut is seen more and more as an important factor in health. We look at the latest on how, and why, it matters

Obesity: is it in our genes?
A complex and serious issue, obesity is the result of a combination of factors; but at least some our destiny lies in our genomes

Genomics and HIV: can we be cured?
New genomic discoveries provide hope that lifelong antiretroviral therapy may one day be a thing of the past

Dementia, lifestyle and the genome
A new study provides evidence that when it comes to dementia, it isn’t all in the genes...

Genomics and PCOS
The discovery of new gene variants associated with polycystic ovary syndrome will lead to better understanding and open up the possibility of targeted treatment
News articles

Learn about the fundamentals of genomics
Two new short online courses, exploring the role of proteins and how genetic conditions are inherited, have been added to our collection

Royal College of General Practitioners Annual Conference 2021
The RCGP annual conference is the leading annual event for GPs, practice teams and other primary care professionals.