Blog articles
Stories of rare disease: Aisha
To kick off our blog series for Rare Disease Day 2023, we share Aisha’s story of living with Morquio syndrome and look at the impact that healthcare workers can have on a patient’s journey
What can pop culture tell us about genetics?
Special guest author Dr Jonathan Roberts looks at how pop culture can help us think about genetics in different ways.
How accurate are genomic tests?
We outline five key things to consider when answering the common patient question, “How accurate is this genomic test?”
News articles
Join in with the month of genomics
Announcing an innovative new collaboration aimed at increasing awareness of genomics and understanding of its relevance to clinical care
Popular funded genomics course returns
Healthcare professionals keen to learn about genomics can apply for a funded place on this popular course delivered by the University of the West of England
Rare Disease Day 2023
The Genomics Education Programme is playing a key role in the education of NHS staff in rare disease, a priority area in the UK Rare Diseases Framework
Genomics for allied health professionals: Survey results
Your responses to our survey will inform the development of genomics education for allied health professionals across England
New horizon-scanning webinar series for 2023
The GEP has launched the first of an exciting series of expert webinars designed to create a link between academia and genomics education
Paediatric GeNotes: Facilitating genomics mainstreaming for paediatric clinicians
The RCPCH genomics programme and Genomics Working Group, in collaboration with the HEE Genomics Education Programme, are hosting a 'Month of Genomics'
UK Clinical Genetics Society Meeting 2023
The next UK Clinical Genetics Society meeting on Tuesday 21st March 2023
Genomics in obstetrics and gynaecology
Register for this new hybrid course developed by the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists to increase awareness and understanding of genomics and its application in obstetrics and gynaecology
LinkAGE Webinar 1: Introduction to gene-directed therapies
Welcome to the first in a new series of expert webinars. In this first webinar Dr James Patterson will provide an introduction to gene-directed therapies