Blog articles

Book review: My DNA Diary: Sickle Cell Anaemia

In her latest book Lisa Mullan explains the genetic basis of sickle cell disease in an entertaining way for older children and adults

News articles

Learn about the fundamentals of genomics

Two new short online courses, exploring the role of proteins and how genetic conditions are inherited, have been added to our collection

Genomics Specialist Careers: meet the genomic scientists

What is a genomic scientist? How do the scientists working in genomics contribute to finding answers for patients? Find out in our new resource.
Trent Beard film

2020: the year for whole genome sequencing in the NHS

Learn more about this new, revolutionary test with our free, flexible, online course, which explores how it works and how it can benefit patients.
Doctor with patient

New RCGP genomics toolkit launched

GPs can now access tailored training resources, links to relevant guidance, and resources for patients in this handy collection

New factsheet series for educators

These handy one-page factsheets can be used as part of a range of educational activity


Festival of Genomics Logo

Festival of Genomics 2021

The Festival of Genomics London is the UK’s largest genomics event where people from all corners of the genomics industry meet to learn and share expertise.

Royal College of General Practitioners Annual Conference 2021

The RCGP annual conference is the leading annual event for GPs, practice teams and other primary care professionals.

Royal College of Midwives Annual Conference 2020

The 2020 RCM annual conference is a UK-wide annual event for all midwives and professionals with an interest in maternity services.
Manchester Central Complex

NHS ConfedExpo

The NHS Confederation, will hold a virtual NHS Confed Conference for its members, partners and the wider health and social care system.
Manchester Skyline

Masterclass - Nursing, Midwifery and Genomics: The Present and the Future

Aimed at directors of nursing, heads of midwifery and senior nurse leaders, this event is part of a wider collaborative programme of work to embed genomics into clinical practice across the NHS.

Everything you wanted to know about genomics but were afraid to ask

Progress Educational Trust, in partnership with the GEP, is hosting a public discussion event about genomics at the Science and Industry Museum in Manchester