News articles

Welcome to the new Genomics Education Programme website!

The redesigned, rebuilt website is packed full of new and improved features to support health professionals to learn about genomics


External image of the Liverpool Arena

Royal College of Nursing Congress 2021

The RCN Congress is a key annual event in the nursing calendar and provides a forum for nursing practitioners to meet, learn, develop and share best practice.

Royal College of Midwives Annual Conference 2019

The 2019 RCM annual conference is a UK-wide annual event for all midwives and professionals with an interest in maternity services.
A view of the Liverpool City skyline

Royal College of General Practitioners Annual Conference 2019

The RCGP annual conference is the leading annual event for GPs, practice teams and other primary care professionals.
Presentation to an audience

Primary Care and Public Health 2022

Primary Care and Public Health is a key annual conference for all primary care and allied health professionals.
Manchester Central Complex

NHS Health and Care Innovation Expo 2019

The NHS Health and Care Innovation Expo 2019 is focused on bringing the NHS Long Term Plan to life.

NHS Confederation 2019

This year, NHS Confederation will focus on the future of the NHS and healthcare and this theme will be supported by many new conference strands.