News articles

Master's funding available for part-time study

Full funding confirmed for the 2016/17 academic year for those wanting to study the master's in genomic medicine

Genomics Education Programme featured in UKTI report

Report highlights the world-leading impact of UK Genomics and the importance of genomic education

Clinical Bioinformatics: Unlocking Genomics in Healthcare

Explore the world of a clinical bioinformatician and their important role in a patient’s journey

Exeter to provide the Master's in Genomic Medicine

Exeter will join nine other providers in the UK securing the institution’s position as a leader in the field

Socialising the Genome

A new collaborative project designed to get us talking about genomics is looking for your feedback  

Genomics Master’s series: be part of a medical revolution

Brad Horn, one of our funded Master’s students, tells us why…

Applications for Master's and CPPD funding now open for 2016/17 start

Genomics study programme aimed at all NHS healthcare professionals in England

Introducing genomics into healthcare – free video resources

The GEP's educational videos are supporting the incorporation of genomics into mainstream medicine   

Stay up-to-date in genomics – sign up to our monthly newsletter

HEEs Genomics Education Programme is offering followers a new way of keeping up to date with developments in Genomics education

Genomics Master’s series: a paradigm shift in healthcare

Satishkumar Krishnan, one of our funded students on the Master’s…

Genomic Medicine: Transforming Patient Care in Diabetes

The University of Exeter Medical School is launching a new, free,…

Frontline Festival London brings genomics to the fore

Last week saw a great buzz created in London with the arrival of the Festival of Genomics and several exciting announcements about the 100,000 Genomes Project