Blog articles

An illustration of a saliva sample tube with a red lid and a cotton swab inside the tube. The background is a mid-green colour.

BRCA testing for people with Jewish ancestry

NHS England has launched a testing service for people with Jewish ancestry to see if they carry a potentially harmful BRCA variant
A baby's fist closed around the finger of an adult.

Hidden genomics in health visiting

In this feature article for the 2023 #GenomicsConversation week, we explore the vital role that health visitors play in unlocking the potential of genomics for patients

News articles

A pregnant woman is examined by a student midwife overseen by a senior team member

New Genomics Learning Passport for Midwives

The Central and South GMSA has developed a new tool for midwives…
Two people in conversation with a DNA helix at the side of the image

Genomics in the NHS: A clinician’s guide to genomic testing for cancer (solid tumours)

Join our new two-week online course for a practical guide to the genomic testing pathway for solid tumours

Genomic testing for rare disease: Learn with the experts

Join a new cohort of learners supported by expert mentors on the latest run of the National Genomics Education programme’s popular course


The entrance to the Royal Society of Medicine

The Unusual Suspects: Rare disease in everyday medicine

Medics4RareDiseases (M4RD) is proud and excited to announce details for its 11th annual symposium; The Unusual Suspects 2024: Rare Diseases in Everyday Medicine
Aerial view of the NEC

The Primary Care Show

Returning to the NEC in May, the Primary Care Show, will take place on 15 - 16 May 2023.

Genomics & Children’s Medicine: Everything You Need To Know

The South East Genomic Medicine Service are hosting a Genomics Autumn Festival.
An aerial view of the city of London

Genomics & Inherited Epilepsy Study Day Event

The NHS North Thames and South East Genomic Medicine Service Alliance are hosting a free Genomics & Inherited Epilepsy Study Day event.

Greater Manchester Cancer Academy: Genomics Education Event

A event understanding genomics and the work being done to embed testing into oncology pathways.
Great Ormond Street Learning Academy

Personalised Medicine for Paediatricians: The Essentials

A one day virtual course covering the essentials of personalised medicine in paediatrics.
A night time view of the SEC campus

Royal College of General Practitioners Annual Conference 2023

The Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) annual conference 2023 is an essential event for GPs and their teams.