Blog articles
Start the conversation: genomics in health visiting
As part of this year's #GenomicsConversation week, we talk to Sally Shillaker about the vital role genomics plays in health visiting practice
Genomics in practice: ‘Midwives should explore opportunities’
In our third Q&A for the #GenomicsConversation, we talk to midwife Charlotte Rose about why she was inspired to build her career in genomics
Genomics in practice: ‘We are generation genome!’
In the second of our #GenomicsConversation Q&As, gynaecology cancer nurse Tracie Miles reveals how her patients inspired her to get into genomics
Genomics in practice: ‘Nurses have a big role!’
In our first #GenomicsConversation Q&A, we speak with inherited cardiac conditions nurse Tootie Bueser about how genomics is shaping nursing practice
Asthma and the genome
This week, we look at a common condition – asthma – and the role our genome plays in its onset
News articles
A toolkit to support nurse educators
A new resource to help educators deliver genomics education to pre- and post-registration nurses
A new framework for developing the workforce
A new unified approach to identify workforce development needs, aligned to patient pathways across the NHS Genomic Medicine Service, is being piloted
GEP welcomes new clinical director
Professor Kate Tatton-Brown takes leading role in HEE’s genomics programme
New genomics resources for health visitors
A series of iterative documents is now available to develop health visitors’ knowledge and understanding of genomics
Explore genomics in midwifery
Discover how genomics is being used in midwifery practice through this new and exciting educational resource
Funded course for nurses looking to build their genomic skills
Nurses keen to learn about genomics and counselling can apply…
Royal College of Midwives Annual Conference 2021
The 2021 RCM annual conference is a UK-wide annual event for all midwives and professionals with an interest in maternity services.