Blog articles

Genomics England to launch the Generation Study
This winter sees the start of the Generation Study, which will explore the benefits and challenges of sequencing the genomes of 100,000 newborns

Sequencing the Y chromosome - five things we now know
After years of research, a fully annotated sequence of the human Y chromosome has been published. We celebrate this breakthrough with a few key facts

Children at centre of new genomics health research programme
New genomic bioresource D-CYPHR seeks to decode the DNA at the heart of childhood disease

How has whole genome sequencing transformed the investigation of rare disease?
The way in which rare diseases are investigated has been opened up by whole genome sequencing. We look at its impact on both clinicians and patients

Polygenic scores show promise for improved prostate cancer detection
Three in ten men would have been spared an invasive prostate cancer-confirming biopsy if their own genomic data were considered, say Stanford University researchers

The DDD study: Delivering diagnoses
Thousands of children have received results thanks to the DDD study – we look at some of the factors responsible for its success
News articles

Genomic testing for rare disease: Learn with the experts
Join a new cohort of learners supported by expert mentors on the latest run of the National Genomics Education programme’s popular course

Funding applications now open for Master’s in Genomic Medicine framework
Prospective students may now apply for funding to undertake Master’s-level CPPD modules and qualifications in genomics at partner universities

Join our new solid tumour course evaluation team
Be one of the first to complete and review our new online course for clinicians unfamiliar with requesting genomic testing

Genomic testing for rare disease: Learn with the experts
Join a new cohort of learners supported by expert clinicians on the latest mentored run of the National Genomics Education programme’s popular course

The Festival Of Genomics & Biodata 2024
The annual Festival of Genomics and Biodata returns to London on Wednesday 24 and Thursday 25 January 2024.

LinkAGE Webinar 6: How Kaftrio changed the world of cystic fibrosis
In this sixth webinar in the gene-directed therapies series, Dr Balfour-Lynn will discuss CFTR modulators and how they have changed the world of cystic fibrosis