Blog articles

Render of a DNA helix and Planet Earth

Flash forward: genomics in 2022

In our second end-of-year roundup, we look ahead to three areas of genomics likely to spark discussion in the coming year
Visualisation of a genome sequence as a tunnel

Looking back: genomics in 2021

As we approach the end of 2021, we look back on the key developments in genomics and their impact on healthcare and society

100,000 Genomes Project 2021 update: rare disease

How has rare disease diagnosis and treatment improved in light of data gathered from the 100,000 Genomes Project? Find out in the second part of our series…
3D render of a chain of molecule

Reading DNA - where to start?

This week, we learn all about directionality in DNA and why it matters
Many icons representing Covid-19 and a large circle containing an icon representing a DNA helix

Sequencing Covid-19: 1 million genomes

As the UK reaches a mega sequencing milestone, we look at how the data could be used to better prepare us for the future

Epilepsy and the genome

We know that epilepsy can have a genetic cause, but there is still much to discover. We explore findings from two new studies to learn more
Crowd of people of different ethnicities, genders, backgrounds

New data diversity initiative launches

This week, we look at a transformative programme that aims to rapidly make genomic datasets more representative
Render of Covid-19 virus cells and DNA helices

Covid-19: susceptibility and the genome

An international collaboration has discovered new links between our genome and the variable onset and severity of Covid-19
Hands typing on keyboard with padlock 'data' symbols superimposed on top.

New platform to strengthen researcher-patient link

We explore how the platform will benefit its users and the steps in place to make sure it is ethical

Genome UK: the first steps in a grand plan

The UK wants to create the world's most advanced genomic healthcare system, with education and training a key component. Here’s what’s in store for 2021/22
Globe built of and surrounded by network lines

Global genomes sequenced in new study

Genomic datasets are widely used by researchers, but are they representative enough? We look at recent research that aims to shift the balance

News articles

ATCG Code on a blue screen

Delve into whole genome sequencing

Join us this October for a deep dive into this revolutionary genomic test and learn how it is being used to benefit patients