Blog articles

Genome UK: making the genomic dream a reality

The government has set out its vision for how the UK will harness the power and potential of genomics for the benefit of patients. Here are the top highlights

What are copy number variants?

Everyone has unique variants in their genome - and many are harmless - but which types can have an impact on our health and how do they occur?

New genomic data studies launch to combat Covid-19

How can genomic data help in the fight against coronavirus? We look at the pros and cons of two new approaches

Rapid exome sequencing: a look inside the lab

Clinical scientist Dr Julia Baptista explains what – and who – is involved when the NHS sequences the DNA from all an individual’s 20,000 protein-coding genes

AI in the NHS: what do health professionals need to know?

Can artificial intelligence help bring about personalised and preventative healthcare? AI expert Jessica Morley sums up the 4 key considerations for NHS staff

News articles

A person surrounded by question marks drawn around them and a light bulb drawn above their head

Genomics 101: Discover the role of genomics in healthcare

Curious about genomics but not sure where to start? Try our collection of free, short introductory online courses
Images from popular culture

Twitterchat: What role does popular culture play in healthcare?

During this chat we would like to explore some of the common themes, myths and misconceptions perpetuated by popular culture around genetics and genomics 
GATC letters repeated on a blue background

Learn how whole genome sequencing is transforming healthcare

Join us as we explore how this revolutionary genomic test is used to benefit patients, including in the current fight against Covid-19

New introductory Genomics 101 courses launched

Learn about the fundamentals of genomics and its impact on healthcare in our collection of introductory courses

New 'Genomics in Medical Specialties' resources launched

Information for neurology, clinical genetics and gastroenterology has been added to our collection of resources for specialists

Learn about the fundamentals of genomics

Two new short online courses, exploring the role of proteins and how genetic conditions are inherited, have been added to our collection


Festival of Genomics Logo

Festival of Genomics 2021

The Festival of Genomics London is the UK’s largest genomics event where people from all corners of the genomics industry meet to learn and share expertise.