Blog articles

a row of test tubes in a lab with one being lifted out of the line-up

Career tips for genetic technologists and scientists: a conversation with Jennie Bell

Career advice for new genetic technologists and scientists from genomics lab director, consultant clinical scientist and GTAC professional lead Jennie Bell
Render of a DNA helix

Genomic technologies: where are we now?

Our ambitions for our patients are only as good as our methodologies. We take a look at the technology that underpins the revolution

New bowel cancer screening launches for Lynch syndrome patients

Thousands of people in England at risk of bowel cancer will benefit from world-first preventative programme
3D molecule

Rethinking insurance and genomic testing: the evidence

The DHSC's recent call for evidence received 57 responses from organisations and individuals, who voiced concerns and offered suggestions for future amendments
An illustrated group of people, featureless and in multiple bright colours.

Mind the gap: Five initiatives to boost genomic data diversity

White-ancestry genomes dominate genomic projects; here are five notable biobanks recruiting from under-represented populations to bridge the genomic gap
An illustration of a saliva sample tube with a red lid and a cotton swab inside the tube. The background is a mid-green colour.

BRCA testing for people with Jewish ancestry

NHS England has launched a testing service for people with Jewish ancestry to see if they carry a potentially harmful BRCA variant

News articles

A female doctor is focused on a female patient's face as she is visually examining her. The patient is sitting down while the doctor treats her. It is an over-the-shoulder shot of the doctor examining the patient. The doctor is wearing a plastic apron and blue rubber gloves.

Genomics in dermatology: New resource launches today

Developed with Professor Neil Rajan of Newcastle University, this brand-new resource tackles all things genomics in dermatology
A doctor sits in a chair with a clipboard on his lap and a pen in his hand. He is mid-conversation with the patient opposite him, who sits up on a hospital bed and leans slightly forward.

New in GeNotes: Cardiology launches today!

Developed by clinical experts for cardiologists working across the NHS, this brand-new GeNotes collection is the latest specialty to be added to the flagship genomics education resource.

Watch new ‘perspectives’ film series online

Patients present three different stories of the power, potential and pitfalls of genomic testing
A doctor sits in a chair with a clipboard on his lap and a pen in his hand. He is mid-conversation with the patient opposite him, who sits up on a hospital bed and leans slightly forward.

GeNotes Oncology: 30+ new articles added

The NHS England National Genomics Education Programme has expanded its oncology GeNotes collection with the addition of 34 new articles, covering a broad range of patient presentations, genomic testing guidance and further learning.


A magnified and illustrated image of a DNA strand.

Study Day: Applications of genomics in paediatrics

On 10th June 2024 the RCPCH are hosting a one-day, CPD-approved, in-person study day covering the fundamentals of genomics in paediatrics