Blog articles

Key genomic technologies of 2020: fighting Covid-19
In the first of two articles reflecting on this year, we look at how genomics became central to tackling an unprecedented global pandemic

Researchers find ‘hidden’ coronavirus gene
A newly discovered gene within the genome of the SARS-CoV-2 virus could offer clues about its origins and a possible target for treatment

Covid-19: what’s in the genes?
We take a look at the latest developments in our understanding of the role of the human genome when it comes to disease severity

How genomics is changing vaccines
The speed at which a vaccine is developed can be crucial. RNA vaccines are cheaper and faster to make, but there's yet to be one licensed. Will this change with Covid-19?

New genomic data studies launch to combat Covid-19
How can genomic data help in the fight against coronavirus? We look at the pros and cons of two new approaches

The impact of Covid-19 on rare disease communities
Guest author Dr Christine Patch explains the challenges in supporting patients with rare disease during the pandemic, as well as the opportunities that may arise

Coronavirus and the human genome
A new nationwide study will sequence and analyse NHS patients’ genomes as part of the fight against the Covid-19 outbreak

Sepsis and the genome
Recent studies on sepsis show that genomics could hold the key to faster diagnosis and treatment, as well as understanding why it occurs

How the UK is cracking the coronavirus code
In the second part of our Covid-19 special, we look at the genomic science and technology behind a new UK consortium to improve understanding of the virus

New initiative harnesses genomics in coronavirus fight
In the first of a two-part article, we look at how the NHS is teaming up with academia, researchers and public health agencies to combat Covid-19 with genomics

Genomics: combating coronavirus
In the second of two articles focusing on the recent coronavirus outbreak, we explore how genomics is being put to use in diagnosis and treatment

What can genomics tell us about the coronavirus?
As the government declares the coronavirus "a serious and imminent threat", we examine what genomic sequencing has revealed so far about 2019-nCoV