Blog articles

Genomics, MRSA and the single-letter switch
A change to a single base of an individual’s DNA has been linked to an increased ability to successfully clear an MRSA infection

Genomics and listeria
A look at the application of genomic sequencing in the management, and potential prevention, of an infectious outbreak

Genomics and antimicrobial resistance
Already put to use in the worldwide search for new antimicrobial agents, genomics can also contribute to better targeted treatment

Infectious diseases and the race to diagnosis
Researchers are exploring new techniques to tackle serious infectious diseases, and contain an outbreak before it becomes an epidemic

HIV and the genome
Genome editing has not been without controversies, but some studies suggest it may hold the cure for patients living with HIV

Birth of world’s first gene-edited babies sparks outcry
Why is the procedure so controversial, what are the risks, and could it ever happen in the UK? We take a look at the key issues

Tuberculosis: genome sequencing and new treatment
TB cases are falling worldwide, but with hard-to-treat strains more prevalent than ever, how can genomics help? And what’s new on the treatment horizon?
News articles

Genomes, whole genome sequencing and the genomics team
Three new introductory films explore why we want to know about genomes, how whole genome sequencing is used in key areas, and who makes up the genomics team

Royal College of Nursing Congress 2021
The RCN Congress is a key annual event in the nursing calendar and provides a forum for nursing practitioners to meet, learn, develop and share best practice.

NHS Health and Care Innovation Expo 2019
The NHS Health and Care Innovation Expo 2019 is focused on bringing the NHS Long Term Plan to life.

NHS Confederation 2019
This year, NHS Confederation will focus on the future of the NHS and healthcare and this theme will be supported by many new conference strands.