News articles

In-demand genomics course returns for another year
Healthcare professionals taught to think genomics via funded places on this popular introductory genomics course

Now live: The revised genomic competency framework for UK nurses
The National Genomics Education programme has published a competency framework to support the education and upskilling of the current and future nursing workforce

Popular funded genomics course returns
Healthcare professionals keen to learn about genomics can apply for a funded place on this popular course delivered by the University of the West of England

Have your say on the key genomics competencies required of all nurses in the UK
A revised genomics competency framework for nurses is being opened to consultation

Our nursing educator’s toolkit receives RCN endorsement
Genomics toolkit for nursing educators receives RCN endorsement and is fit for national nursing practice

Genomics course for nurses and midwives: funded places now available
Nurses and midwives keen to learn about genomics can apply to join this popular introductory course delivered online by the University of the West of England

A toolkit to support nurse educators
A new resource to help educators deliver genomics education to pre- and post-registration nurses

Genomics in Routine Care webinars now available on demand
Hear from health leaders in three webinars exploring genomics in nursing, midwifery and health visiting, now available to view online

From niche to necessity: genomics in routine care
The GEP will launch a new webinar series to support nurses, midwives and health visitors to learn more about genomics and how it can help in practice.