Blog articles
Start the conversation: genomics in health visiting
As part of this year's #GenomicsConversation week, we talk to Sally Shillaker about the vital role genomics plays in health visiting practice
Asthma and the genome
This week, we look at a common condition – asthma – and the role our genome plays in its onset
New gene therapy launches in the UK
Baby Arthur becomes one of the first children to benefit from the landmark SMA treatment after NHS launch
NICE approves new SMA gene therapy
NHS England has made a deal on a new, life-saving treatment for the most severe form of the condition
First polygenic cause found for neonatal diabetes
A new study has found the first ever polygenic cause for diabetes in children younger than six months of age
GEP fellow publishes new study
The benefits of involving young people in genome sequencing decision making are explored by GEP fellow Dr Celine Lewis in her recently published study
Newborn screening: the pros and cons of genome sequencing
Could genome sequencing replace the blood spot test? We review the potential benefits and drawbacks of a more direct approach to screening
What is whole exome sequencing?
Following the recent NHS announcement that WES will be used for critically ill babies and children, we explore what it is and the benefits it could bring
Newborn screening: time to expand the list?
Genetic Alliance UK’s newborn screening patient charter sets out why the UK should extend its programme - and establish a pilot for genome sequencing at birth
Assessing younger patients' understanding of genomics
HEE genomics research fellow Celine Lewis talks about a new measure to assess young people’s understanding of genomics
Pharmacogenomics: three challenges to the NHS
Last week we explored the promise of pharmacogenomics in the health service, but there are good reasons why it will take time to implement
News articles
2020: the year for whole genome sequencing in the NHS
Learn more about this new, revolutionary test with our free, flexible, online course, which explores how it works and how it can benefit patients.