Blog articles

Pharmacogenomics: three challenges to the NHS
Last week we explored the promise of pharmacogenomics in the health service, but there are good reasons why it will take time to implement

Pharmacogenomics: a new normal for the NHS?
The analysis of the genomic determinants of drug response is a hot topic in healthcare and was the focus for a workshop last month

UK rare disease strategy: the plan for implementation
Four years on from the government’s rare disease strategy, its implementation plan has been published. Here’s our summary of the key areas of focus

Ethical editing: therapeutics and ‘enhancement’
A newly published report takes a different approach towards the controversial editing of human genomes

Genomics in government policy
How do we bring exciting research, exceptional medicine and public opinion to routine clinical practice?

Personalised medicine in the NHS: what will it mean?
Moving away from trial and error treatments to patient care tailored to your unique genetic makeup

Harnessing the benefits of genomic data
Data sharing review puts focus on challenges surrounding use of patient information for healthcare research
News articles

GEP welcomes release of Topol Review
HEE’s newly published report outlines key recommendations for the NHS’s digital future and has genomics as a key focus

UK Strategy for Rare Diseases progress report released
Report tracks progress made against 51 commitments in UK Strategy…

Generation Genome: delivering genomics to the NHS
In her annual report, Dame Sally Davies reveals her enthusiasm for genomics and how it can transform diagnosis and treatment for NHS patients

NHS Health and Care Innovation Expo 2019
The NHS Health and Care Innovation Expo 2019 is focused on bringing the NHS Long Term Plan to life.

NHS Confederation 2019
This year, NHS Confederation will focus on the future of the NHS and healthcare and this theme will be supported by many new conference strands.