Blog articles

Genomic trigger found for inflammation

Could we ‘turn off’ our body’s unwanted immune responses? New research has found a genetic switch in our non-coding DNA that could help treat complex allergic disease

Pharmacogenomics: mechanisms of action

We know that different people react differently to drugs. But how does this actually happen? And where does genomics come in?
what is precision medicine

Pancreatic cancer and genomics

Pancreatic cancer is one of the most aggressive kinds, but new genomics research offers hope for more effective, targeted treatment for patients 

Genomics and antimicrobial resistance

Already put to use in the worldwide search for new antimicrobial agents, genomics can also contribute to better targeted treatment 

Genomics and acute myeloid leukaemia

Aggressive and complex, AML often proves a challenge for clinicians, but genomic analysis is helping in the search for targeted treatments

Unlocking the secrets of the genome

It was once believed that 99% of our genome was made up of ‘junk’ DNA with no purpose. Recent discoveries suggest this is far from the truth

Tuberculosis: genome sequencing and new treatment

TB cases are falling worldwide, but with hard-to-treat strains more prevalent than ever, how can genomics help? And what’s new on the treatment horizon?

Cancer immunotherapy: predicting outcomes

Today's monoclonal antibody treatments benefit some patients but can be harmful to others; the search for reliable predictive biomarkers is on
Genomics lab

Genome editing: 5 key questions answered

News stories in biomedicine are being dominated by genome editing, Crispr and other methods. So what's it all about, and what might it mean for healthcare?

News articles

New journal article and films highlight progress in genomics

The power and pitfalls of applying genomics in clinical genetics today are explored in a newly published piece in Clinical Medicine journal

Additional 'Genomics in Medical Specialties' films launched

Three additional films and supporting information illustrate the ways in which genomics is changing clinical practice across the NHS


Everything you wanted to know about genomics but were afraid to ask

Progress Educational Trust, in partnership with the GEP, is hosting a public discussion event about genomics at the Science and Industry Museum in Manchester