This series of factsheets have been designed as post-session handouts for learners taking part in a Genomics Game session, but can also be used as learning resources in other settings.
Data protection and storage
Did you know...? Sequencing one person's genome generates around 200GB of data. Find out more key facts about genomic data in this handy factsheet.
- Education and training resources
- Genomics Game
DNA, genes and chromosomes
Did you know...? Our DNA is made up of just four chemical 'letters': A, T, C and G, in a sequence containing more than 3 billion. Find out more key facts about DNA in this handy factsheet.
- Education and training resources
- Genomics Game
Family history and genomic medicine
Did you know...? A person's family history can reveal clues that help support a diagnosis or inform clinical management. Find out more key facts about taking a family history in this handy factsheet.
- Education and training resources
- Genomics Game
Genomics Game: print and play
View and download the latest version of the Genomics Game print and play document
- Education and training resources
- Genomics Game
Genomics in healthcare
Did you know...? A person's genomic information be be used to improve diagnosis, prevention and treatment of disease. Find out more key facts about the applications of genomics in this handy factsheet.
- Education and training resources
- Genomics Game
Inheritance and genetic conditions
Did you know...? Some health conditions are caused by a change to a single letter out of the 3 billion that make up our genome. Find out more key facts about genetic inheritance in this handy factsheet.
- Education and training resources
- Genomics Game
No such thing as the perfect genome
Did you know...? We share around 99.9% of our genome with every other person, but that 0.1% difference is what makes us unique. Find out more key facts about the genome in this handy factsheet.
- Education and training resources
- Genomics Game
Sequencing the genome
Did you know...? The first human genome took 13 years to sequence, but now this can be achieved in about a day. Find out more key facts about genome sequencing in this handy factsheet.
- Education and training resources
- Genomics Game
The Genomics Game (quiz) download page
This free quiz-styled teaching resource is a fun way for educators to explore genetics and genomics concepts, and how they’ll be encountered in a modern healthcare system. Useful as an add-on to existing teaching materials, or as a stand alone activity, this digital resource brings the success of The Genomics Game into a virtual learning…
- Genomics Game
Developing people
for health and