This course is intended to give healthcare professionals an overall awareness of some of the commonalities and differences of genomic medicine compared with other areas of healthcare. It will also provide some useful tips and tools for engagement with patients and their families around this topic.
Why take this course?
The use of genomics within healthcare is expanding, moving out of specialist areas and into routine care. Consequently, more healthcare professionals and their patients will encounter it than ever before. In many ways, genomic medicine carries the same communicative, ethical and legal principles as any other clinical discipline and, for the most part, can be treated in the same way. However, there are some differences, and healthcare professionals will need an awareness of some of these when engaging with patients and their families who may be undergoing genomic testing.
Who is this course aimed at?
This course is primarily targeted at all healthcare professionals working in the NHS who have had limited exposure to genomics in their clinical role. The course provides general guidance to support these healthcare professionals in talking to their patients about genomics. This course is not designed to provide in-depth guidance for specific clinical situations, such as offering genomic testing or the return of results.
What will I learn?
The course covers the following topics
- Is genomics new to healthcare?
- Patient conversations: what to consider
- Explaining genomic concepts
How will I learn?
This course is delivered through textual content, videos and images. There are knowledge checks throughout and, on completion of the course, a final assessment for learners to demonstrate what they have learnt. A downloadable certificate of participation will be available on completion of the course.
Related sessions
To learn more about related areas of genomics, take a look at these other courses in the Genomics 101 series