This video-based course comprises five films recorded at Health Education England’s West Midland’s Public Health Practitioner event in November 2017. Learn from expert speakers talking about how genomics is driving change in key areas of public health, and the ethical and legal considerations that it brings.
Why take this course?
Advances in the technology and understanding around genomics has led to a variety of new developments in key areas of public health, including infectious disease control and prenatal screening. For those working in public health, it is important that they identify where genomics is likely to impact their area of practice.
Who is this course aimed at?
These films are primarily aimed at those working, or with an interest, in public health. They can also be viewed by anyone wishing to learn more about genomics in healthcare.
What will I learn?
You will learn about the technology and science behind genomic medicine, a range of its applications in healthcare, and some of the issues that can arise. The films cover the following topics:
- Genomics in healthcare and the 100,000 Genomes Project
- Genomic technologies
- Tackling infectious diseases
- Non-invasive prenatal testing
- Ethical and legal considerations
How will I learn?
Through these films, you will hear from experts working in genomic medicine in the NHS and beyond, featuring case studies, summary points, diagrams and images, as presented in the speakers’ slides.
You are welcome to view all the films, or view only the film(s) that are relevant to your practice. On completion, a short reflection exercise will provide an opportunity to demonstrate what you have learned. You will then be able to receive a record of your feedback and obtain a downloadable certificate of participation.