Primary care professionals will learn about Lynch syndrome, how we can test for it and how to identify possible cases.
Lynch syndrome is an inherited condition. Those with it have a higher lifetime risk of bowel and endometrial cancers. In the UK, about 95% of people with Lynch syndrome remain undiagnosed.
Primary Care colleagues play an important role in identifying people who may have Lynch syndrome as well as arranging onward testing. This lunchtime webinar will help you to:
- better understand Lynch syndrome through genomics;
- provide you with information on how to identify possible Lynch patients;
- explain the two yearly colonoscopy pathway, how it is initiated and how the patient is recalled; and
- give tips and tools to use during a consultation.
This free webinar is co-hosted by Central and South, North Thames and South East Genomic Medicine Service Alliances. Sign up to learn more about Lynch syndrome from a primary care perspective and help the NHS move closer to finding the missing 95%.