The entrance to the Royal Society of Medicine

Date and Time

Wed, 21st Feb 2024, 12:30pm

to Wed, 21st Feb 2024, 5:00pm


Royal Society of Medicine
1 Wimpole St

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Medics4RareDiseases (M4RD) is proud and excited to announce details for its 11th annual symposium; The Unusual Suspects 2024: Rare Diseases in Everyday Medicine will take place on the 21 February, at the Royal Society of Medicine, London in association with The Medical Genetics Section.

Why This Event IS Relevant to You?

The Department of Health and Social Care’s ‘UK Rare Diseases Framework’ highlights ‘healthcare professional awareness’ of rare diseases as a key health priority. However, there can be a dearth of clinical evidence when it comes to rare diseases and so relying on a guideline-driven, evidence-based medical system alone simply doesn’t work effectively for this huge subset of patients. The majority of patients with rare conditions take years to reach diagnosis with multiple misdiagnoses and never receive a disease-modifying treatment or specialist service. This conference aims to empower clinicians to change the narrative to focus on what healthcare professionals CAN do when it comes to caring for those with rare diseases.

Take Home Skills

By attending this conference you will gain valuable insight into what it is to live with a rare condition and the common challenges faced by patients, and carers, along with an increased understanding of how best to approach management with sensitive communication and an inclusive attitude.

To find out more or to book your place please visit the events page.