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Example clinical scenario

A 6-year-old boy was found to have an ectopic right kidney located in the pelvis on an ultrasound scan for unexplained abdominal pain. The left kidney was normal in size and location. His renal function was normal. His 36-year-old mother had been referred to the renal clinic last year after being identified with chronic kidney disease in pregnancy. Her renal ultrasound showed unilateral renal agenesis.

When to consider genomic testing

Consider genomic testing for:

  • Clinically significant non-syndromic congenital anomalies of the kidney and urinary tract (CAKUT), if the patient also has a first-degree relative with CAKUT or unexplained end-stage renal disease.
    • Note: In some cases, additional family history information may suggest that testing would be beneficial. You can check criteria with your local testing laboratory.
  • Families in which there are only minor forms of CAKUT are unlikely to benefit from genomic testing (for example, isolated vesico-ureteric reflux, duplex kidney, posterior urethral valves).
  • When CAKUT occurs with additional syndromic features. This is because in these instances, it is likely to have a monogenic cause.
  • CAKUT with a personal or family history of diabetes or renal cysts.

What do you need to do?

  • Consult the National Genomic Test Directory. Here you can access the rare and inherited disease eligibility criteria document for information about individual tests and their associated eligibility criteria. You can also access a spreadsheet of all available tests.
  •  Decide which of the panels best suits the needs of your patient/family:
    • R199 CAKUT-familial: This indication uses genome-wide microarray to identify any copy number variants that might be associated with CAKUT.
    • R27 Paediatric disorders and R89 Ultra-rare and atypical monogenic disorders: These tests may be considered for individuals with complex or syndromic presentations. R27 includes microarray and a whole genome sequencing (WGS) ‘super-panel’. R89 includes microarray and WGS panels selected by the requesting clinician. These tests require authorisation from clinical genetics.
    • R141 Monogenic diabetes: This test should be used when there is a personal or family history of diabetes or renal cysts. It includes whole exome sequencing or a medium-sized panel and multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification (MLPA).
    • R240 Diagnostic testing for known mutation(s): This indication can be used if a patient who is clinically affected with CAKUT has a family member with a known pathogenic or likely pathogenic variant. (Note that variable penetrance is common.) In this situation, the laboratory will only test for the known familial variant.
    • R242 Predictive testing for known familial mutation(s): This indication is for a predictive (also known as presymptomatic) test and should be used for unaffected individuals who have a family member with a known pathogenic or likely pathogenic variant. This test can only be requested by clinical genetics.
  • For tests that do not include WGS, including R199, R141, R240 and R242:
  • For WGS-based tests, such as R27 and R89 you will need to:
  • These tests are DNA-based, so an EDTA sample (purple-topped tube) is required.


For patients

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  • Last reviewed: 13/06/2024
  • Next review due: 13/06/2025
  • Authors: Dr Abhijit Dixit
  • Reviewers: Dr Danielle Bogue, Dr Ania Koziell, Professor Richard Sandford