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Example clinical scenario

A three-year-old girl is referred to the paediatric clinic by her GP because of short stature. She is tracking below the 0.4th centile, with no cause yet identified. There are no developmental concerns, and there is no family history of short stature. Biochemical tests have revealed growth hormone deficiency and thyroid stimulating hormone deficiency.

When to consider genomic testing

Genomic testing for combined pituitary hormone deficiency should be considered if endocrine investigations for short stature reveal deficiency in at least two pituitary hormones of neonatal or childhood onset, and no acquired cause is identified.

What do you need to do?

  • Consult the National Genomic Test Directory. From here you can access the rare and inherited disease eligibility criteria, which provides information about individual tests and their associated eligibility criteria. You can also access a spreadsheet containing details of all available tests.
  • To find out which genes are included on different gene panels, see the NHS Genomic Medicine Service (GMS) Signed Off Panels Resource.
  • Decide which of the panels best suits the needs of your patient or family. For investigation of multiple pituitary deficiency, the appropriate test is:
  • Information about patient eligibility and test indications was correct at the time of writing. When requesting a test, please refer to the National Genomic Test Directory to confirm the right test for your patient.


For clinicians


For patients

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  • Last reviewed: 20/05/2024
  • Next review due: 20/05/2025
  • Authors: Dr Joanna Kennedy
  • Reviewers: Dr Danielle Bogue, Dr Amy Frost, Dr Eleanor Hay, Dr Emile Hendriks