Master’s in Genomic Medicine: 2021/22 funding opens
The funding application process is now live for Master’s-level CPPD modules and qualifications in genomics at partner universities
Health Education England’s Genomics Education Programme (GEP) is pleased to announce that funding applications are now open for those wishing to further develop their knowledge of genomics through the popular Master’s in Genomic Medicine programme.
Seven partner universities will continue delivering a co-ordinated programme of genomic education after being awarded contracts in 2020. NHS employees in England can now apply for funding to undertake up to four individual CPPD modules that start before 31 March 2022.
Limited funding is also available for those wishing to extend a previously-awarded qualification under the framework. This will be subject to set criteria being met, as well as funding availability.
About funding pathways
There are two pathways available to those applying for funding. The first pathway is for new applicants looking to study up to four modules at their chosen university. The second pathway is for those who have previously completed an initial four modules in the framework and would like to extend their study.
Pathway 1
Individuals should apply directly to their chosen university in the first instance. The university will then notify the GEP of the application, and we will contact the applicant to obtain their details.
The applicant’s line manager will be asked to provide a supporting statement, which is reviewed by the GEP funding panel for approval. The funding decision will be communicated to the individual and the university.
Pathway 2
Individuals should apply directly to their chosen university in the first instance. Three application forms need to be completed: one by the university, one by the applicant, and one by the applicant’s line manager. The university will provide the applicant with links to the relevant forms. The GEP funding panel will review completed applications and the funding decision will be communicated to the individual and the university.
The GEP assesses each funding application against two main criteria:
- The individual must be an NHS healthcare professional working in England.
- The individual’s line manager must support the application and provide details of how the qualification aligns to local/regional workforce plans, and how the knowledge gained by the individual will be utilised locally/regionally/nationally.
Participating partner universities
The seven partner universities are: Imperial College London, Queen Mary University of London, St George’s University of London (with King’s College London), University of Birmingham, University of Cambridge, University of Exeter and University of Manchester.
The universities will be expected to ensure their modules are open to all potential students on a nationwide basis, and are encouraged to recruit from a national pool of candidates to demonstrate equity of access to the programme.
To find out more or apply for funding to study, please view our Master’s in Genomic Medicine webpage, or browse the list of modules.